Best business idea to villages in Hindi

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Best business idea to villages in Hindi

If you live in a village and want to start a business other than farming in rural business ideas in the village or you can start a business idea from the village, the right way to succeed in the business of the village so that you can earn extra profit.So here you have been told about many such trades related to village and farming which are in trend nowadays and can also be started easily at low cost.

The business that can be started in the village are as follows

Best business idea to villages in Hindi

Pickle Business Ideas Pickle Business Ideas

Pickle making is a business that can be started with less capital.In today's time, people do business of pickle / jam / jam in both small and big levels and pickle is something which is very much liked in both villages and cities.

The demand of pickle continues to increase day by day and in view of this, starting a pickle business can be a profitable deal.

The demand of pickle continues to increase day by day and in view of this, starting a pickle business can be a profitable deal.

The business of making pickles can also be started from home.  By starting this business with a minimum of 10 thousand rupees, you can earn from 25 to 30 thousand rupees.

Earnings in this also depend on the demand, packing and area of ​​your product. You can sell pickles online, wholesale, retail market and retail chains.

Mobile Shop Business Idea Mobile Shop Business Ideas

Mobile is one of the essential requirements of today's time. In today's time everyone has a mobile, then opening a mobile phone shop or mobile shop can be a profitable deal.

If you open a mobile store, then you can provide various facilities in one place like mobile repair, recharge, mobile accessories (charger, earphone etc) as well as it is good to keep in mind the location of the shop while opening the shop.

Demand for mobile is increasing, whether it is city or village, investing in a mobile shop can become an option of business and you can easily earn about 25000 to 30000 rupees in a month.

Some Business Ideas for the Village Rural Business Ideas

In today's time, the people of the village want to do business along with farming and want to earn well. Here are some business ideas starting from the village.

Village based business is as follows-

  • Tailoring Shop
  • Motorcycle Repairing Shop,
  • Hair Salon 
  • Flour Mill
  • Momo Choumin Shop
  • Namkeen Chips Business 
  • Murmura's Business
  • Brick Kiln
  • Oil Mill Business
  • Goat Farming
  • Date Farming
  • Banana Farming
  • Papaya Farming
  • Mini Cinema 
  • Building Materials store.

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Digital Marketing, Blogging, SEO, Website Design, या इंटरनेट के बारे मे जानकारी प्राप्त करना सीखना चाहते है।

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